Kash Hasan tells us about the GDS Bristol headline fundraiser which took place in June to raise funds for the GDS Foundation. GDS Bristol proposed a 72 hour jail break distance challenge for their headline fundraising activity for the GDS Foundation http://www.gdsfoundation.com/ The contestants were Luke Sartain, Pramel Shah, Darren Harvey, Christian Szaruta, Johnny Spragg, Tony Arumugan, Penny Stapleton and Farai Musa. The challenge started at 8.30am Monday 6th June, at GDS Bristol, and the goal was to get the furthest distance from the office in a 72-hour countdown with a budget of £50 and whatever they can fit in a rucksack. Contestants detailed their journey on a video dairy and provided receipts and a contact number at their final destination to prove they had actually made the journey. Each team was supported with fundraising events in the lead up to the 72 hour distance challenge. Let's see how they got on.... The Original "Pirate" Blagger...
.. because helping someone to be the best they can be feels great for them and you #yoursalescoach