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The reasons I love selling.

One of the reasons I love selling is its freedom of expression. Sales is one of the few professions left in which you can be yourself and express who you are.

This freedom you’ve won for yourself by successfully competing where resourcefulness and perseverance are demanded and highly valued. No activity is more vital to the business’s health than selling; no activity is more dependent on individual initiative than selling.

Now the 2nd reason I love selling is that you have the freedom to become as successful as you’d like to be. In this profession, no one limits your income but you. There are no income ceilings.

You may question this statement. You may think the limit is the highest income anyone has yet made selling. Does that mean it’s not possible to earn more? Of course not. Anyone of you could go on to become a Manager, Sales Director, VP or CEO.. It’s all entirely possible.

The 3rd reason I love selling is because it’s a daily challenge. You can go into lots of jobs and have no challenge. That’s never the case in selling, where every day you’re confronted with new challenges. Let that fact refresh you. Glory in it. Our over regulated and highly organized society provides few lucrative work activities where the end of each day isn’t known before that day dawns.

I have always felt privileged to be involved in one of those precious few activities where freedom and challenge aren’t rarities, they’re constant companions. In sales, you never know what opportunities the day will open up, what prizes you can win—what catastrophes may befall you.

To the salesperson, every day is an adventure. Working at this profession, we can go from the heights of exhilaration to the depths of discouragement within forty-eight hours—and climb back to the heights again the next day. Isn’t that exciting?

Say yes.

Every morning, tell yourself that challenge is exciting, it’s fun, and you look forward to it. Tell yourself that—and mean it. Psych yourself up to enjoy challenge. Then go on the prowl for it, find it, and overcome it. If you want to be better than average, do that. If you aspire to greatness, you won’t hesitate. The shortest route to high earnings goes straight through the challenges you’ll encounter.

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